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100 recipes found
Caramel Apple Delight Martini

Caramel Apple Delight Martini

A delightful twist on the classic caramel apple pie martini, perfect for a cozy evening.

other 15 min
Savory Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Dates

Savory Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Dates

A delightful appetizer combining the sweetness of dates with the savory flavor of bacon and a creamy filling.

other 35 min
Easy Homemade Pizza Dough

Easy Homemade Pizza Dough

This recipe provides a simple and effective way to make pizza dough at home, perfect for creating delicious homemade pizzas.

italian 120 min
Biscotti Chewy ai Mirtilli Rossi e Cioccolato Bianco

Biscotti Chewy ai Mirtilli Rossi e Cioccolato Bianco

Questi biscotti sono un delizioso twist sul classico biscotto d'avena, con la dolcezza acidula dei mirtilli rossi e la cremosità del cioccolato bianco.

other 37 min
Patate a Spicchi Piccanti con Salsa Cremosa al Cheddar

Patate a Spicchi Piccanti con Salsa Cremosa al Cheddar

Una deliziosa variante delle classiche patate a spicchi, accompagnata da una salsa cheddar piccante.

american 60 min
Käsefondue mit Kräuterinfusion

Käsefondue mit Kräuterinfusion

Ein köstliches Käsefondue-Rezept mit einem Hauch von Kräuteraroma, perfekt für Zusammenkünfte.

french 45 min
Goldene Honig-Karamell-Popcorn

Goldene Honig-Karamell-Popcorn

Eine köstliche Abwandlung des klassischen Karamell-Popcorns, mit einem Hauch von Honig für einen einzigartigen Geschmack.

other 80 min
Erfrischender Erdbeer-Limetten-Rum-Smoothie

Erfrischender Erdbeer-Limetten-Rum-Smoothie

Ein köstlicher und erfrischender Erdbeer-Limetten-Rum-Smoothie, perfekt für warme Tage.

other 10 min
Chewy Chocolate Bliss Cookies

Chewy Chocolate Bliss Cookies

These cookies are a delightful treat, offering a rich chocolate flavor and a soft, chewy texture.

other 30 min
Delizia Cremosa di Riso al Cioccolato

Delizia Cremosa di Riso al Cioccolato

Una deliziosa variante del classico budino di riso al cioccolato, questa ricetta è ricca, cremosa e perfetta per un dessert confortante.

other 45 min
Savory Cheese and Tomato Bites

Savory Cheese and Tomato Bites

A delightful and easy-to-make appetizer featuring melted cheese, fresh tomatoes, and a tangy sauce.

american 20 min
Enhanced Classic Egg Cream

Enhanced Classic Egg Cream

A delightful twist on the classic Bronx Egg Cream, this recipe adds a touch of vanilla for a richer flavor.

other 10 min
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