Cerca Ricette

100 ricette trovate
California Dream Burger

California Dream Burger

A delightful twist on the classic California burger, featuring fresh ingredients and a burst of flavors.

american 30 min
Egg and Spring Onion Stir-Fried Rice

Egg and Spring Onion Stir-Fried Rice

A delightful and easy-to-make fried rice recipe featuring eggs and spring onions, perfect for a quick and satisfying meal.

chinese 45 min
Saltato di Manzo Mongolo

Saltato di Manzo Mongolo

Una deliziosa variante del classico manzo mongolo, questa ricetta combina tenero manzo con verdure vivaci in una salsa saporita.

chinese 40 min
Marinata Teriyaki Salata con un Tocco di Agrumi

Marinata Teriyaki Salata con un Tocco di Agrumi

Questa ricetta offre una deliziosa marinata teriyaki con un accenno di agrumi, perfetta per esaltare il sapore delle tue carni preferite.

other 50 min
Garlic-Infused Baked Brie

Garlic-Infused Baked Brie

A delightful baked cheese dish with a hint of garlic and wine, perfect for sharing.

other 40 min
Salsa di Cipolla e Erbe Salata

Salsa di Cipolla e Erbe Salata

Una salsa di cipolla ricca e saporita arricchita con erbe aromatiche, perfetta da abbinare ai tuoi piatti preferiti.

american 50 min
Käse-Hühnchen mit Kräuterfüllung

Käse-Hühnchen mit Kräuterfüllung

Ein köstlicher und einfach zuzubereitender Hühnchen-Auflauf mit einer käse- und kräuterhaltigen Füllung.

american 85 min
Vegan Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies with Almond Butter

Vegan Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies with Almond Butter

These vegan cranberry oatmeal cookies are a delightful treat, combining the nutty flavor of almond butter with the chewy texture of oats and the tartness of dried cranberries.

other 30 min
Butterscotch Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bars

Butterscotch Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bars

A delightful no-bake treat combining the creamy richness of peanut butter with the sweet chewiness of marshmallows, perfect for any occasion.

other 30 min
Tropical Habanero Hot Sauce

Tropical Habanero Hot Sauce

This vibrant and spicy hot sauce combines the heat of habanero peppers with the sweetness of tropical fruits, perfect for adding a kick to your dishes.

other 45 min
Cinnamon Swirl Nut Rolls

Cinnamon Swirl Nut Rolls

A delightful twist on classic cinnamon rolls, featuring a nutty swirl and a caramelized topping.

american 65 min
Insalata di Pollo Cremosa Deliziosa

Insalata di Pollo Cremosa Deliziosa

Una deliziosa variante della classica insalata di pollo, perfetta per un pasto veloce e soddisfacente.

american 15 min
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